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RN12 - Environment & Society

RN12 Environment and Society is dedicated to advancing the sociological imagination of Environmental Sociology and to foster cooperation with other disciplines.

The research network Environment and Society (RN12) is the European platform for exchange on research in environmental sociology most broadly and inclusively defined. Since environmental issues partly overlap with several other sociological ones – not least reflected in the social, economic, and ecological pillars of sustainable development – this network also welcomes sociologists from the many areas that partly overlap with environmental issues.

Our sociological focus is on areas as diverse as environmental health, water management, market relations to the environment,  social movements, renewable energies, human-animal relations, air and soil pollution, environmental risks, mobility, the role of science and technology in environmental innovation, and vulnerability to natural and technological disasters.

RN12 aims to explore issues of environment and society from diverse theoretical, methodological and empirical points of view keeping an eye on practice orientation of sociological research. Current debates on climate change and alternative energy futures have been somewhat on the forefront in recent years, but new and more classical themes that gained in importance were sociological theory, environmental vulnerability, extreme events and natural disasters, the green economy, sustainable consumption as well as science, environmental technology and innovation.

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