
#esaBCN2021 – President’s Welcome
While we cannot know the future, sociology has demonstrated its readiness to help society bring forth any kind of futures, even the most unforeseen.
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#esaBCN2021– Conference Chair Welcome
The challenges imposed by the pandemic did not stop the ESA and the Local Organizing Committee to build an excellent conference. Even that online, we trust that the over 4000 registered participants will enjoy moments for networking and learning while shorting the distances.
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#esaBCN2021 - LOC Chair Welcome
We are pleased to present to you the first issue of the ESA-BCN Conference Gazette, where you will get glimpses from this amazing event that the Local Organizing Committee is preparing for you. We cannot wait welcome you at the Conference!
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Modernism was a powerful cultural movement at the turn of the 19th century which emerged in a context of spectacular urban and industrial development. It left a longstanding symbolic trace, giving strength and character to the city of Barcelona. 
The Opening of the ESA Conference will take place in the Catalan Academy of Sciences, the same building where the Nobel Laureate Ramon y Cajal created the neuroscience.
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FROM RNs – RN34 Sociology of Religion
If you are curious about what sociologists of religion do, you are very welcome to join the sessions of the RN34.
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FROM RNs – RN20 Qualitative Methods
We have organized plenty of attractive sessions. Specially we want to emphasize one, on “The state and future of qualitative methods”, right at the beginning of the Conference, on August 31st (Fringe Events).
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#esaBCN2021 – Film-forums
The LOC has prepared a Social Programme in the evenings to gather among colleagues in a more relaxed mood. We encourage you to join the Film-forums to discuss about movies such as “Land and Freedom”,Nomadland”, “Agora” or “HER”. Delegates should watch the movie on their own and join the film gathering for the debate. A colleague in sociology will introduce some ideas for the debate and open the floor to all.
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#esaBCN2021– Virtual Hubs
At the end of the day, on September 1st and 2nd, join the ESA community for a virtual fun at the Mozilla Hubs. Create your avatar and enjoy the hub of your choice.
We have: 
Gaudí Virtual Hub. A space inspired by the famous modernist architect, Gaudi. A place to enjoy the beauty of Barcelona's art.
BCN Night Virtual Hub. The magical night of Barcelona embodied in a virtual nightclub where you can have your virtual drinks and meet other people.
Worker’s Movement Virtual Hub. Room with the atmosphere of the ´The Canadenca strike´ (Barcelona, 1919)  movement that pioneered the 8-hour working day. 
Mediterranean Virtual Hub. A virtual space set in the Mediterranean, where the sea meets the sky.
#esaBCN2021 - Volunteers ready! 
More than 130 volunteers from all over Europe and beyond are distributed in the different sessions of the Conference. After various preparatory meetings, they are ready now and keen to assist you in navigating the platform or with other technical or organizational issues you might have. Thanks for your time and passion, team of volunteers!
#esaBCN2021– It happened in Barcelona (2)
The Logo of the 15 ESA Conference symbolises a very important struggle that took place in Barcelona at the beginning of the twentieth century, known as “The Canadenca Strike”. The bonds of solidarity let the victory of the workers, who achieved cutting working hours to eight a day.
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FROM RNs – RN10 Sociology of Education
The Research Network 10 is a vibrant bunch of sociologists and researchers who all have a great interest in the area of education within society, so important now, in the context of the lock-down of 2020, the move to more blended learning in 2021 and the uncertain future of 2022.  Please consider joining our research group and sessions in ESA15.
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FROM RNs – RN11 Sociology of Emotions
We have prepared for you a vibrant programme with many interesting topics, for example our joint session: "New Disavowals? The Politics of Emotions and their Separating and Connecting Effects", with RN13 and RN33. You are welcome to join.
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#esaBCN2021– Have you confirmed your registration? Instructions for attendees, speakers and chairs
Most of you have used the code that has arrived through your email. If you don’t or you are experiencing any trouble accessing the platform, please send an email to esa2021 [at]
Don’t forget to check the ‘Attendee and speakers’ Manual’ available here and at the webpage of the event.
Specific tips for speakers are available on You can also check when your presentation will take place in the agenda in Conftool, by using the search bar:
All the sessions will be available to access 5 minutes before the starting time by clicking the “join session button”. 
#esaBCN2021 – First day of the Summer School
The 26 PhD students participating at the ESA2021 Summer School were welcomed yesterday at the historic 17th Century building of the Institute for Catalan Studies. The Summer School is being carried out in a hybrid format with 17 students onsite and 9 online. The Summer School is focusing on career planning and development and is also an excellent opportunity for peer mentoring and networking with other European doctoral students.
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#esaBCN2021 - Sociology Disco
Among all the curated programme of social and cultural events that ESA has prepared for its participants, you will also be able to enjoy our virtual disco. 
Enjoy good music, the different spaces and possibilities that the virtual world is bringing us! 
Note: Virtual reality glasses are required. Specifications for entering the disco are available on the event platform (CVENT).
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FROM RNs – RN24 Science and Technology
Ana Delicado coordinator of the RN 24 Science and Technology encourage participants to join RN24 sessions. “We have three days of very interesting discussions in topics like cleaning robots, gender in science and technology or artificial intelligence”.
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FROM RNs – RN27 Regional Network Southern European Societies
Our research network aims to facilitate sociological research and to promote international cooperation between sociologists and social scientists interested in trends and issues arising in Southern Europe. We invite you to join our Semi-Plenary on Migration or our joint session on homelessness on Southern Europe.
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#esaBCN2021– The ESA2021 PhD Summer School ends with great success
The Summer School has brought together for two full days teachers and 26 students that have participated with great dedication and enthusiasm in both on-site and online formats. ‘Though provoking’ ‘amazing’, ‘an event that every PhD student should attend in its programme’ are some of the main protagonists' reflections.
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#esaBCN2021 – Let's get started! Choose your Fringe Events
Today, at 2.30pm the Conference will start with an interesting and varied selection of Fringe Events. Choose the one that interests you most from the various options where you can meet authors, editors and explore topics relevant to the future of publishing or research methods:
FE01: Meet the authors: "The Tenacity of the Couple Norm. Intimate Citizenship Regimes in a Changing Europe" - RN23
FE02: The State and Future of Qualitative Methods - RN20
FE03: Open Access, money making and professional ethics. The future of OA publishing for sociological associations
FE04: Book Launch: "Exploring Welfare Bricolage in Europe’s Superdiverse Neighbourhoods" - RN16
FE05: Meet the editors: "Telling the Great Change: The Process of the Systemic Transformation in Poland in Biographical Perspective" - RN03 & RN36
FE06: Meet the editors: Work, Employment and Industrial Relations - RN17
#esaBCN2021 - Presentation of ESA candidates for Presidency
The three candidates for the ESA presidency will present their candidacies at 4 pm today in a short session in which they will have the opportunity to define the main lines of their proposals. The candidates are: Pertti Alasuutari, University of Tampere, Finland; Lígia Ferro, University of Porto, Portugal; and Laura Horn, Roskilde University, Denmark. Remember that you have until 2nd September to vote.
#esaBCN2021 – ‘Envisioning alternative futures’ .
At 4.30pm Alondra Nelson, Deputy Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Federico Mayor Zaragoza, President of the Culture of Peace Foundation and former Director-General of UNESCO, will set the frame for this 15th ESA Conference. Alondra Nelson will share knowledge from her strategic position at the service of federal science and technology policy in overcoming social inequalities, and Mayor Zaragoza will focus on the 2030 Agenda set by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the intergenerational responsibility in inventing the future. 
Join the Plenary 1
FROM RNs – RN16 Sociology of Health and Illness
With the advent of COVID-19, a sociological approach to health and illness is now more important than ever. We invite you to take part in our regular and joint sessions and to come along to the Semi-Plenary 'COVID in the City' (speakers: Antonio Maturo and Raquel Rolnik) on Thursday. 
If you are not already a member of RN16, do consider becoming part of our large and vibrant research network.
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FROM RNs – RN33 Women’s and Gender Studies
We are glad to invite you to the more than 20 sessions that our network has organised for the 15th ESA Conference, especially the semi-plenary on ´the future of gender equality in post-pandemic societies.
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3921 sociologist from 74 different countries are participating in the 15th ESA Conference held in Barcelona (Spain)!!!
#esaBCN2021– Opening Ceremony
Joandomènec Ros i Aragonès, president of the Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC), Teresa Sordé-Martí, President of the Local Organising Committee of the conference, Marta Soler-Gallart, president of the European Sociological Association, and Gemma Geis, Minister of Research and Universities of Catalonia, conducted the Opening Ceremony for the 15th ESA Conference held in Barcelona (Spain) from August 31st to September 3rd, 2021.
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#esaBCN2021 – Plenary 1: Envisioning alternative futures with Alondra Nelson and Federico Mayor Zaragoza
2264 delegates followed the opening and Plenary 1 on line!
Dr. Alondra Nelson and Dr. Federico Mayor Zaragoza delivered the Plenary session titled “Envisioning alternatives futures” at the Opening Ceremony of the 15th ESA Conference.
Dr. Alondra Nelson, Deputy Director for Science and Society in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, highlighted the connection between the scientific and the social world with the conviction that we can have safer, fair and more just society. She reported actions in which we have never seen current levels of engagement. The ‘Equitable data working group’ or the ‘Scientific integrity task force’ are some of the actions taken by Biden’s administration, and they reported that 10.000 people share their feedback on scientific issues. She claimed that is essential to restore trust in government and in science. We must turn back to the people and include their experiences and insights and ideas to address these problems. A new critical approach to science, technology and our social lives is needed: an approach that places human beings at the center of social social sciences, and solutions.
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Dr. Federico Mayor Zaragoza raised that now, for the first time in history, we are facing problems that are potentially irreversible processes (such as climate change). For many years we have not listened to the scientists. Now is the time for the solution, and the key components are: knowledge, expertise and democracy. Democratic multilateralism. Every human being is able to contribute, to think, reflect, invent, his or her own future. Humanity has a voice. We must encourage people to put into practice the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.
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#esaBCN2021 - Performance Mariana Pineda by Federico García Lorca
Fernando Macias Aranda, member of the Integrated Plan for the Roma People at the Generalitat de Catalunya and Roma researcher at the Roma Studies Group – CREA University of Barcelona, and Ane López de Aguileta, Researcher and Teacher Assistant in Sociology at the University of Barcelona, and Clarinetist by Arriaga Conservatory, introduced the play titled: Mariana Pineda wrote by Federico García Lorca. Mariana Pineda Muñoz was a relevant feminist that was sentenced to death for defending “freedom, equality and law” during the absolutist government of Ferdinand VII (19th Century). Accompanying on the piano, Jordi Vivancos i Farràs, Professor of Sociology of Music at the Higher School of Music of Catalonia (ESMUC) and Director of the International Music Contest Maria Canals.
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#esaBCN2021 – Purple point
If you witness any situation involving defamation, abuse, profanation, threat, offense, illegal material or sexist aggression, contact with the Purple Point through the platform.

The opening hours of the Purple Point are the following:

• Wednesday, September 1st: 10:45am - 02:00 pm; and 03:00pm - 06:45pm

• Thursday, September 2nd: 10:45am - 02:00pm; and 03:00pm - 06:45pm

• Friday, September 3rd: 10:45am - 02:00pm; and 03:00pm - 06:45pm
#esaBCN2021 – Fringe events and more!
Yesterday six fringe events were conducted at #esaBCN2021. Further information about the outstanding contributions of the debates at our social networks:
3921 sociologist from 74 different countries are participating in the 15th ESA Conference held in Barcelona (Spain)!!!
#esaBCN2021– Plenary 2: Sociological knowledges for alternative futures: migrations and transnationalism
Rosa Maria Cisneros discussed how Roma (and Roma women) have been excluded even from the debate on their own social exclusion. However, there are examples of Roma participating and conducting research identifying successul actions overcoming stereotypes and inequalities that have even informed and supported new policies in different countries recognizing Roma as a minitority. Cisneros quoted different scientific references showing how Roma studies and Roma researchers provide evidence that overcome traditional stereotypes against Roma. She showed examples of Roma organizations organising and participating in International Conferences, where Roma women declare themselves a Romani feminists aiming at building a modern Roma identity, based on diversity and equailty, or Roma studies on Roma men that do not accept and /or tolerate gender violence. She ended her speech referring back to the cultural intelligence of Roma women who, participating in the assemblies, spaces of dialogue, by raising proposals, and gathering their knowledge, contribute to building a more inclusive and respectful society for everyone.
Mokhatar El Harras discussed the case of “time” for migrants when leaving their countries of origin. Time for migrants can be linial, but also cyclical. Many migrants feel stuck in transitional countries that finally become “final” destinations because they end up in processes such as waiting for visa, waiting to pass the border and enter the country, waiting to get a job, being imprisoned without notice of for how long, etc. That creates a sense of liminality for migrants, who live in such uncertainity, not being part of any place (not of the country of origin anymore nor of the host country). The issue of time in migrants lives is a question of Human Rights.
Thomas Faist discussed migration drawing on the concepts of “exit” and “voice.” He proposed to re-define traditional categories such as exploitation, redistribution or class (to explain the inquealities experienced by migrants) towards other categories such as exclusion, status and culture, and recognition. In this sense, we are now talking about transnational social spaces, where migration (immigration and emigration) can be conceptualized as puzzles. He used three different variables to analyse immigration and emigration: economy, culture and policies. In this sense, migrants can be seen as “human capital” for countries receiving them, or as part of the welfare state; they can be seen as “brain gain” for countries receiving them, or as “brain drain” for countries loosing them. Our task as sociologists is to take on the utopian endeavor of re-evaluating the social question whis is migration, which more than ever voice complement exit.
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#esaBCN2021 – 5 Semiplenaries!
Semi-Plenary 01: "Yes Means Yes Only with Freedom to Consent". Katharina Miller and Lidia Puigvert conducted a fruitful dialog between sociology and law, towards overcoming communicative acts of power to dialogic communicative acts to ensure freedom of consent. They concluded that 1) we have to overcome coercion (power communicative acts), building consent (dialogic communicative acts); 2) We will only overcome communicative acts of power if we overcome Isolating Gender Violence.
Semi-Plenary 02: "Alternative Futures Beyond Neoliberalism: Inside and Outside of the European Union"
Toni Haastrup presented contemporary external EU relations with an emphasis on colonial history. And Angela Wigger presented the political economy of the EU, focusing on the (re)production of a debt-driven model of neoliberal growth. The debate focused on possible transformative change in institutions of the EU beyond neoliberalism.
Semi-Plenary 03: "Social Research and Social Justice in the Study of Migration Towards Southern Europe". Marcello Maneri and Claudia Finotelli discussed social justice in the framework of migration in Europe.
Semi-Plenary 04: "The Future of Gender Equality in Post-Pandemic Societies". Anna Rosinska and Beáta Nagy conducted a very interesting debate about gender equality in post-pandemic societies. During the pandemic, domestic workers cannot ‘work from home’, they work with vulnerable populations, commute using public transportation and they were excluded from labour regulations and relief policies in the US and many European countries (Anna Rosinska)
Semi-Plenary 05: "Covid-19, Fiscal European Solidarity and the Future of Europe". Holger Lengfeld, Florian Kley and Theresa Kuhn analyzed the future of Europe from the lenses of solidarity. A very interesting and inspiring analysis. We interpret our results as people refusing austerity measures hitting the vulnerable (Florian Kley).
#esaBCN2021 – Midday specials
There was a great participation in the midday special sessions. The social networks were actively used by the participants in the conference, making visible the debates and resonating them beyond the conference virtual rooms. Here are some examples just to illustrate them. Notice that there was also room for celebrating the winners of the ESA Best Paper Award and the ESA Young Scholar Award!!!
MD01: "How and where to get your paper published?" with Paul Blokker, Michalis Lianos and Patrick Präg
Editors of European Societies (ES) and European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology (EJCPS) shared their experiences and making recommendations for scientists’ publication strategies in session MD01 at #esa2021BCN
MD02: "ESA Best Paper Award and ESA Young Scholar Award Special Session"
Congratulations to the Winner of the ESA Young Scholar Award 2021, Felipe Gonzalez Santos; the Winner of the ESA Best Article Award 2021– European Societies, ​​Ditte Andersen @DenDitte and the Winner of the ESA Best Article Award 2021 - European Journal of Cultural & Political Sociology, Mona Mannevuo!
MD03: "Urban perspectives on the past and possible futures for Barcelona" with Gary McDonogh
Gary McDonogh brings together the past and future of Barcelona’s urban perspectives and refers to Las Ramblas of Barcelona in Federico García Lorca’s words as: “the one street on earth that I wish would never end”
MD04: "Why researchers from all sciences look for sociologists?" with Carmen Llasat & Pavel Ovseiko
Extraordinary session organized by Marta Soler with the participation of Pavel Ovseiko and Carmen Llasat on the need for interdisciplinarity and the presence of sociology in the different fields of knowledge. From very different perspectives, the two speakers have contributed to advancing the debate on the social impact of science, especially sociology and its connection with other disciplines to improve its social impact.
MD05: "Relational Ageing in a Future Shaped by Pandemic" with Esther Ramsay-Jones and Bernhard Weicht
Session on Relational Ageing in a Future Shaped by Pandemic at #esa2021BCN - In the face of the helplessness among the elderly during the pandemic, questions of individual and collective agency can rise @EstherWRJ
MD06: "The rise of hate speeches: building alternative futures against racism, antisemitism, sexism and homophobia" with Karin Stögner and Pedro Sousa Almeida
Racism and the rise of hate speeches can be found in the intersectionality among anti-Semitism and hate speech against women and sexual minorities as well as in the sports. Both based on the idea of superiority of a group and use of power to oppress the other. And its important to be aware of them, their demonstration and fight against it.
#esaBCN2021 – Social program: film-forums, virtual hubs, virtual disco.
After a wonderful journey of work, the ESA community continued with lots of fun!!! Film-forums, virtual “get-together” and online disco!
FROM RNs – RN35 Sociology of Migration
We are hosting almost 30 sessions on topics as diverse as informal labour markets, cultural diversity, the consequences of Covid19 for migration, migrants and migration management, on sexuality and racism and many others topics. With our program we hope to find ways to sociological knowledges about migration that might guide us to alternative and better futures for all of us.
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#esaBCN2021 – ESA 2021 Elections

Did you vote in the ESA elections? You still can vote today until 2pm CEST.
How to vote: It is very easy! If you are a member in good standing you should have received an email with the subject "ESA 2021 Elections" with a link and a code. If you did not receive it, please, contact the ESA Office by email (esa [at] ()) and they will assist you in the process.
#esaBCN2021– General Assembly
Today, Friday 3rd 2021, at 14:15, do not miss attending the General Assembly. Your voice is important for ESA!!! Join the virtual session at CVENT!
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#esaBCN2021– Semi Plenaries
SP06: Sociology transforming science and society, with Emilia Aiello (Harvard Kennedy School), Vicenç Navarro (Public Policy, Johns Hopkins University) and Sari Hanafi (American University of Beirut, Lebanon and President of the International Sociological Association).
Very exciting discussion about the challenges faced by the Sociology discipline.
First, Emilia Aiello (Harvard Kennedy School, USA) presented “Sociological Responses To The Pandemic And Their Takeaways For A Post-COVID19 Society”. Dr. Aiello emphasized the social impact of research and co-creation as two pillars of Sociology in order to democratize knowledge and work with the publics to offer transformative alternatives to social problems. Sari Hanafi (American University of Beirut, Lebanon and President of the International Sociological Association) presented “Sociology as a Vocation: Weber against Weber”. Dr. Hanafi called for the decolonization of the Sociology from being a battlefield between political forces for restoring instead its independence and universal nature and providing the needed expert knowledge to satisfy citizens' claims. Finally, Vicenç Navarro talked about “The failure of academic social science on both sides of the north Atlantic in explaining and helping to change the world”. The central point of Dr. Navarro’s presentation was that academic Social Science has been unable to explain, predict, and contribute to resolving political crises in the US and Western Europe. At most, they have been able to analyze some specific protests and liberation movements (based on different forms of exploitation), but without relating them to the overall crisis of legitimacy of political regimes dominant in both sides of the Atlantic since the 80s.
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SP07: Public spaces after Covid-19: Building alternative knowledges for the future, with Gisela Redondo-Sama (Rovira i Virgili University), Heitor Frúgoli Jr. (University of Sao Paulo) and Luisa Bravo (City Space Architecture).
Very interesting semi-plenary session on how public spaces have been more restricted after Covid-19 and how it could be possible to use again these spaces by citizenship in different scenarios. The three experts have provided valuable information from different perspectives regarding how to rethink on alternative futures for public spaces.
Luisa Bravo in her presentation “Evaluation on Spatial, Socio-cultural and Economic Concerns Across Europe” has emphasized the importance of investing in human capital, we need to critically invest in people. In doing so the public space is a crucial instrument and now we are re-inventing and re-organizing the priorities for accessing the public spaces after COVID-19.
Heitor Frúgoli presents the “Social Interactions on The Streets During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Counterpoints Between European and Brazilian Cities” giving data on Barcelona and Sao Paolo processes during the pandemic. Starting with the process and situation in Barcelona, Dr. Frúgoli explained the situation in Sao Paulo, establishing interesting connections on how people accessed public spaces after COVID-19. He highlighted how working-class people have stablished different forms of sociability using the streets.
Finally, Gisela Redondo presented “Invisible Voices in The Public Space: From Unknown Realities to Evidence of Transformations”. She highlights the importance of giving voices to the people not listened to in science, from a bottom-up approach. The co-creation processes are a key point in doing so, putting the human experience at the centre of the expertise’s design. Co-creating we are making visible the invisible voices, unveiling realities and improving science.
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SP08: Covid-19 in the city: Building positive futures with Antonio Maturo (Bologna University).
Great semi-plenary discussing on positive components for a better future.
Dr. Antonio Maturo presented the resulting analysis of the reality caused by the pandemic in different contexts, taking into account that although  COVID-19 has burst equally in all social groups, the effects can by no means be considered the same. The situation caused by COVID-19 has made human vulnerability visible and has raised awareness of the importance of our urban contexts and social circles. As Dr. Maturo explains, health care efforts must focus on the most vulnerable people.  This must be added to the idea that we are faced with the need to act as if COVID-19 could always come back.  Finally, he alludes to the "no vax" collective and the concept of freedom linked to "molecular surveillance" and states that freedom begins only when security is guaranteed. "Medicalization as well as surveillance have a bad connotation per se, but this should not be the case. I believe that surveillance with respect to covid cannot be compared to all other surveillance. Covid is a huge sociographic disruption".
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SP09: Civic action: Creating and living alternative futures with Paul Lichterman (University of Southern California) and Ann Mische (University of Notre Dame)
Interesting discussion and contributions about democracy, making alternative visions more common. The semi-plenary addressed key questions on how creating and living alternative futures in groups and movements is structured. Speakers fostered a discussion on an advance of sociological knowledge and an understanding of the processes through which actors aim to improve society. Going deeply on the symbolic, political, cultural, social or material motivations of individuals to participate and engage in such groups beyond the boundaries of the respective communities.
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SP10: Radical sexual politics: Envisioning alternative futures in political action, activism, and people’s lives, with Niina Vuolajarvi (The New School of Social Research) and Stephen D. Seely (Newcastle University).
Interesting semi-plenary on envisioning potential alternative futures for a better future.
In his session about “Radical Sexual Politics – Envisioning Alternative Futures in Political Action, Activism, and People’s Lives”, Stephen Seely reflected on the possibilities and opportunities of mobilizing sexuality in our current politics, activism, and scholarships in order to promote and work towards better futures. “What is the relationship between sexuality and democracy?” This is a fundamental question to explore how people’s imaginaries and experiences of their social and sexual lives interlink with activism, participation and, in summary, active democracy in our societies.
In her turn, Niina Vuolajarvi discussed her ethnographic research on the Nordic policy model of the abolition of prostitution. “Can we envision a different kind of abolitionism?” This work raises a number of important and fundamental questions.
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SP11: The rise of authoritarianism in central Eastern Europe, with Grzegorz Ekiert (Harvard University) and Kim Lane Scheppele (Princeton University).
Interesting discussion about the fact that today authoritarian trends have gained a political presence in countries around the world, including those of CEE. The stronger that presence, the weaker the institutions of liberal democracy have become. What factors are guiding the authoritarian turn and where is it leading the societies of Central Eastern Europe? This question has led the discussion in this semi-plenary.
Kim Scheppele, at the Semi-plenary session about “The rise of Authoritarianism in Central Eastern Europe” did a comprehensive summary of the main reasons why this weakening of some democracies is happening. “Democracy is not dying by natural causes, it is not the people’s fault, it is being murdered”. 
Additionally, Grzegorz Ekiert discussed the deliberateness of those who vote authoritarian parties: “I am not blaming people. But they are not victims of brain-washing or confusion. People vote what they like, their values”. Thinking about change, he says that “cultural modernization takes a long time.”
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#esaBCN2021 – Evening Specials!
ERC: Find the research grants!
Fruitful session on research grants. Speakers from the European Research Council's Executive Agency (ERCEA) and University of Warwick, answered all attendees’ questions about research programmes during a one-hour session. Without predetermined thematic priorities, the European Research Council encourages proposals that cross disciplinary boundaries, address new and emerging fields, and introduce unconventional, innovative approaches.
The transformative potential of new environmentalism and its narratives: hope, catastrophe and visions of future
Sherilyn MacGregor and Carl Cassegård set out their contributions in relation to environmental activism. Sherilyn Macgregor: “Transforming relationships through the creation of solidarity networks, seeing others as others and not as otherism, building and transforming relationships seems to be having quite a potential to the environmentalism”. MacGregor shows initiatives of the new environmentalism of everyday life, the relevance and impact of creating beautiful places in the city.
Carl Cassegård emphasized how political action is connected with hope and the kinds of environmental movement.
Ricca Edmondson: a celebration of her contribution to sociology and ageing research
A very special and emotive session remembering Ricca Edmonson chaired by Jenni Spännäri. It has been a celebration, but not only for her important contributions to sociology and ageing research but also as an exceptionally wonderful person. Dr. Spännaäri has prepared a composition with images, special words and music remembering Ricca Edmonson. The words have been sent by different scholars who shared experiences with her and Dr. Spännäri has linked all with photos and music. Within the video we can find some concrete specials words: “Ricca was one of my favourite people” or “having her around made me feel safe”. After watching the video many scholars explained living scenes with her, denoting her enormous influence in all of them as a theorist and as a very special person. Dr. Spännaäri introduced at the end a very special sentence, “World needs more Riccas” and she asked the audience about how we can continue Ricca’s work. All answers denote the need to be honest, respectful, put people first, practice kindness, listen more carefully to others and support younger scholars among many others. Again, and finally, a very, very special session, as it could not be otherwise, remembering an exceptional person.
Solidarity in Poland and anti-authoritarianism in Belarus: What can a 21st Century social movement for democratization learn from a 20th Century one?
In this interesting session Dr. Jan Kubik and Dr. Tatsiana Kulakevich discussed social protest movements. Specifically, how the Polish experience can contribute to the democratization process in Belarus through a four-step model detailing the interactions between the participants and the incumbents. Addressing the differences between the two countries and their historical moments, such as the use of new social media. Democratization of the Lukashenka regime is highly unlikely, but necessary for democratization to begin. Being dependent on external support is not durable, dependent on a constellation of external rather than internal factors, mainly Putin's support. The potential solution is to increase the cost of Russia's support for the current Belarusian regime. In any case, the masses of protesters asserted their membership in an imaginary community separate from the Lukashenka regime.
Doing human service ethnography: Generating valid knowledge about service work
In this evening special Jaber Gudrium did an introduction to their recently published book. Here are some contributions illustrating the debate in the session:
David Wästerfors: it’s easy to get seduced by easy checklists for a study. In our academic field there are many bureaucrats expecting this with a transparent procedure beforehand.
However in real life Jaber says that we cannot stick strictly to formulas. To that Katarina Jacobsson said that this book tries to put forward what kind of knowledge can be achieved by other strategies other than essays forms or evidence-based practices. You need planning, principles, but then life makes its way.
#esaBCN2021 – Social Programme
#esaBCN2021 – 15th ESA Conference on the news!
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#esaBCN2021 – Social Networks
Further information about the contributions and debates among conference delegates are shared in the social media:
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#esaBCN2021– Closing ceremony (ESA awards)
Yesterday the 15th ESA Conference held in Barcelona and online came to an end. Marta Soler, President of the ESA, thanked all participants, volunteers and organizations contributing to the conference. Then, Milica Antic Gaber, Member of the Executive Board of ESA, introduced the winners of the awards.
Mona Mannevuo received the Best Article Award 2021 for an article published in the European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, on the productivity of Finnish politicians.
Ditte Andersen received the Best Article Award 2021 for an article about the dependency on the welfare state published in the journal European Societies
Finally, Felipe Gonzalez Santos obtained the ESA Young Scholar Award 2021 for his contribution on social movement organisations.
After the awards ceremony, Teresa Cabré, President of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC) led the closing ceremony, where Ligia Ferro (next ESA President), Marta Soler (former ESA President) and Teresa Sordé-Martí (Chair of the Local Organizing Committee) expressed their gratitude and the great contribution that the 15th ESA conference has meant for Sociology.
#esaBCN2021 – Plenary 3
Tere Sordé-Martí, chair of the Local Organization Committee, introduced the third plenary of the conference.
Elisabeth Shove, the first keynote speaker, focused her presentation on the sociological knowledge(s) needed for thinking in alternative futures addressing the current challenges (including climate change, energy waste, pollution, plastics, etc.). She questioned what it means to take social practices as the basic domain of study (in Sociology). She claimed that one of the sociological challenges in the next years is conceptualizing the total “weave” of society and the “textures of advantage” that are reproduced across multiple practices, in the forms of accumulation associated with them, and in how they combine and interlock. She concluded that now is the time to discuss how sociology offers better understandings and relevant knowledges to improve society.
Luigi Pellizzoni presented a keynote on the forms of sustainability and the sustainability of forms, from the point of view of sociology, and the critique and form(s) of life. He started asking what sociological knowledge can do to face the current challenges of society. He questioned the word knowledge (knowledge for whom?). He reflected on the limits of our society (starting from the 1970s and the socio-ecological crisis that has posed so many boundaries to our society in terms of growth and possibility to be sustainable). This situation creates uncertainty, instability and insecurity, which is a new governmental rationale. Hence, in the “Anthropocene” what we have to do is to internalize those limits. In this new scenario, what kind of knowledge do we need? Sociology may play a role as a critique discourse.
#esaBCN2021 – Congratulations to the new elected team. 14:15
A new Executive Board has been made known at the General Assembly. The new President for the next 2 years will be Ligia Ferro. Following her, a very well balanced Executive Committee (in terms of gender, and also in terms of country of origin) will run the ESA for the next 2 coming years. Congratulations!!!
#esaBCN2021 – Celebrating Sociology!
Go to video!
#esaBCN2021 – Social Networks
Further information about the contributions and debates among conference delegates are shared in the social media: