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6th Conference 2003 in Murcia

'Ageing societies, new sociology' from 26 to 28 September 2003

Ours is a time of transformations just as great as those that occurred in the age of the sociological classics. Can our concepts and our organising metaphors also transform themselves and become the basis of a new sociology for our 'ageing' societies in Europe-and elsewhere? Europe's ideologies, values, hierarchies, boundaries, lifestyles, and institutions, as well as its populations are facing significant disruptions and renewals. In an era of change, what are the emerging social regularities, configurations, conflicts, and cleavages? What are our sociological constants, categories, and benchmarks with which to uncover the inner workings of society? The conference invites you to join a lively and vigorous debate at the juncture where ageing concepts and ageing societies meet in order to suggest the new.